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ZArchiver Pro APK Download (Paid For Free) in 2024 - APK NICHE

ZArchiver Pro APK Download (Paid For Free) in 2024


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ZArchiver Pro APK is a premium application are use to perform some specific function with any files. Used to make compress and decompress your files and manage your file like open your files edit it and again decompress your files with the premium version. You can compress a large and any kind of files, no matter how much longer file and make files in these extensions: .7z and .rar.

ZArchiver Pro APK

This application is best when you are far from your home and laptop are not available in the same time, so your large compressed file save in your android phone, you can see the files easily, you can manage your files in android phone.

This is the premium version, but free version is also available but if you need any advance option and manage your files than this tools to proffer the latest upgraded version. You will pay 2.50 dollars on Google play store to download and install this application with here you are the right place to download this application without paying any charges.

ZArchiver Application

ZArchiver Pro APK is very popular application which are used to manage our files to compress any files and convert the small in size on android phones, laptop, iPad and others devices. But here, we are exploring  the android ZArchiver application.

ZArchiver Pro APK

This is the best application all kinds of files you can manage in this app such as videos, files, images, CCTV files, and others longs files. On the play store 100 million plus users are installed this application and also millions of positive reviews.

This is the old app but this premium version has fixed all previous versions bugs and some more advance features where added. And is also so small weight application just 4 Mb needs  to install this application. Rating on Google play store is 4.3 out of 5.

ZArchiver Pro Features

  • Compression: Compress any kind of files and folders any extensions and data like videos, images, files, others zips like project files, business files, and others software applications files. Compress your files and reduce files size through it. Business manager can compress files and share the files at a same time with others employees.
  • Extraction: Decompress the files get all data without loss the data and quality. Remove compress on the files and fetch data.
  • Encryption: You can add passwords on your secure data. If you want to hide your files to unknown persons so you can add password in these zip files.
  • Processing: Compressed all files and folders at the same times and according to the size and time of the files.
  • Break in parts: If you want to share files quickly, you need to divide in parts and compress the files and share it.
  • Functions: You can manage your files to perform the functionality is delete , add , edit, share and rename the zip folders.
  • Speed of compression: It’s easy to use and they make quickly compress files and folders.
  • View your File: You can view the files details without extracting the files.
  • Extension: They support these extensions .zip .rar .7z etc.
  • Search files: You can search any files and folders which in the compress folders.
  • Mode: You can change the application themes light and dark mode.
  • Edit the file: You can edit your files which in to the archive folder.

How many users are use ZArchive application?

ZArchive is an application for android smartphone. You can install app from our website. Trusted application are useful for everyone that’s why these applications will rank the high level, same as ZArchive is also 4.3 ranked app. Millions of people are used this application,  we can say the 100 million people are used.

ZArchiver Pro APK

Ad free Application

Yes , you can enjoy with this app without any disturbance. They are not creating the any annoying and unwanted advertisement.

It is safe?

We know, many people are many doubts that’s those applications which we are using these are real and secure application.  We are providing you the real and secure application. Some applications are used in user devices application perform the task according to the users but they also have the ability to hack someone data and damage the user devices through the virus. But don’t worry about the ZArchive  Pro APK it is completely safe.

Edit Archive File


This app are allow us to edit the archive files without extracting.  Another process we can open our archive folder and open the files edit the file and again compress the files.

Personal Files Security

They also allow us to add secret password and pin code on our secret files. Only password file owner can disable the  folders password and view the folder.


Why we need the ZArchiver Pro Apk ?

If we want to share the large size file to another person it’s might be take a lot of time so here ZArchiver Pro APK can convert large file size into the same files size than we can easy to share it. Same as we can safe the big files in our android phone easily.

And if we want to share whole project folder but we can not share someone the folder without archive. So we need this amazing application to make compress our files and folders.

How to working the ZArchiver APK ?

Simply click on the zip and rar folder select the extract option and decompress your folders.

We can use this application in our android phone ?

Yes we can use this application in our android phone as well as our computer,  laptop and tablets etc.


Simple is that you can use this application for the purpose to make compress and decompress your files in different formats such as Zip, RAR, 7Z and others. This version of application are providing you the premium version its complete same as the free version but some features like dark and light mode where not available on the free version.

This application interface is very easy and understandable we don’t need any advance knowledge to use this application, old persons can also you this app easily. For more games and apps please visit our website regularly. Our team is working to provide you the maximum assistant for free. There is no hidden charges.

What's new

Latest Pro Version available to download!

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